Sunday, May 19, 2013

"We are now unwittingly part of a massive experiment" - Geneticist


  1. Suzuki is a great scientist, but there is no relavent data to support his claims. Yes, there should be much more testing, but the 5 large conglomerates who farm our produce are compelled to put their stuff on the market for profits. It's not the genetics that are the problem, it's the capitalism.

    1. Just label the foods so we can exempt ourselves from this experiment.

    2. Anonymous, 'not the genetics'? It's definitely both.

    3. Does labeling solve the overspraying of chemicals leading to oceanic dead zones, desertification, bee colony collapse syndrome or the lack of vital minerals and nutrients completely absent in gmo. I like how you defend them saying they are compelled to make a profit. As moral people we are given the responsibility to protect our fellow people and mother earth against unethical business practices!

    4. Forcing people to eat GMO's and toxic substances is not capitalism!! Its an experiment! What's going to save us? Communism??? What a brainwashed idiot.. Furthermore, this country hasn't had true capitalism ever since the Federal Reserve was been created. Corporatism is the ruler today. There's a huge difference.. learn it.

  2. Unnwilling Guinea PigMay 19, 2013 at 11:45 AM

    To Anonymous, there is overwhelming evidence to support Suzuki's claim and then some. Testing with rodents including rats with GMO foods versus non GMO foods has produced cancer and disease in rats fed GMO foods, while those not fed GMO foods are fine. Now you think it is OK for us to be used as guinea pigs in this experiment with humans? The bottom line is we should have labeling at a very minimum. Obama promised us labeling if re-elected, instead of labeling he appointed many of Monsanto's people into key positions of government. Including Food and Safety, as well as the FDA. The genetics and the capitalism are both the problem on this, not just the capitalism!



  4. And even when it does finally turn us into 2 headed freaks riddled with cancer, Monsanto can't be prosecuted.

  5. Hey pals you just have to doubt of an argument with a descalification has headline... i think that descalification is only used when people just don't have suficient arguments.

    1. your grammar is appalling and you cant be understood - please use English and not gibberish


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