Saturday, June 22, 2013

USDA Organic Infant Formula Contains Pesticide Labeled As A "Nutrient"

The USDA organic label is supposed to protect the consumer against GMOs and avoidable chemical exposures, but the sobering fact is that USDA-certified infant formula manufacturers are not only being allowed to use a pesticide in their formulas, but are advertising it as a 'healthy' mineral to unsuspecting consumers.
Unbeknownst to the vast majority of U.S. consumers, the nutritional adequacy of infant formula it not determined by its ability to support and produce health in those who receive it, as would be expected. Instead, it is deemed nutritionally adequate solely by virtue of it containing minimum quantities of a list of 29 nutrients, without specifying or even acknowledging the significant qualitative differences that exist between minerals in the form of nutrients and those in the form of industrial chemicals, e.g. amino acid-chelated forms of iron (iron glycinate) are much safer than relatively inorganic forms (ferrous oxide). Surprisingly, all that regulators do is ensure that those ingredients are there in the amounts deemed necessary, and that some basic quality control measures are followed during the manufacturing process.

recent review summarized the U.S. rules as follows:
Infant formula, like no other food, is regulated by its own law, the Infant Formula Act of 1980 as amended in 1986. The act sets lower limits on 29 nutrients (so-called "table nutrients" because they appear in table form. U.S. Code of Federal Regulations 21 CFR 107.100). . . . Manufacturers are required to follow "good manufacturing practice," but no requirement for sterility is specified. . . . Powdered formula is not guaranteed  nor required to be free of pathogenic organisms  (Baker, 2002).
Another researcher opined on the topic: "If we assess formula by its results, rather than by whether its ingredients matched a specific list, we would have to conclude that there has never been an infant formula that would "satisfy," by itself, the nutritional requirements of infants during the first months of life.[1]   
Essentially, the only thing infant formula does is keep children alive, and hopefully growing at a pace deemed acceptable by pediatric clinical growth standards.
But even infant formula's ability to 'keep children alive' is increasingly coming into question. A recent review published in Archives of Diseases in Childhood revealed a disturbing statistic:
Currently, suboptimal breastfeeding is associated with over a million deaths each year and 10% of the global disease burden in children.[2]
Considering this estimate, a fair question to ask is how much of this mortality burden is caused solely by a lack of breastfeeding/breast milk, and how much of this is being caused by the formula itself?
There is no denying that a sizable body of clinical and epidemiological research now exists proving that breastfeeding prevents at least 70 health conditions in breastfed infants, and that infant formula contributes to or causes 57 adverse health conditions, making the widespread promotion of infant formula in the US all the more troubling.
But, what may be most disturbing of all, is what ingredients are actually being put into these so-called breast milk alternatives, and under the ostensibly 'pure' and 'healthy' banner of the USDA organic label. 
Enter the strange story of Copper Sulfate....

Copper Sulfate: Pesticide, Algaecide or "Organic" Nutrient?

Do a google search for "Copper Sulfate" and you'll find a fascinating array of products vying for your attention, such as:
  • Rooto Brand 'Root Killer,' 2lb Copper Sulfate: used to effectively kill and destroy roots in your drain. 
  • Crystal Blue Copper Sulfate 'Smart Crystals,' 5 lb Copper Sulfate: used to kill algae and kill roots in septic systems.
  • Seed Ranch 100% Pure Copper Sulfate Crystals, 1lb: used to kill snails and slugs, pond cleaner to kill mosquito larvae and algae, fungicide/mildew cleaner, tree stump remover.
Nothing here indicates that Copper Sulfate is a 'nutrient,' correct? 
Indeed, if you dig deeper into its toxicological classification you will find that, according to the Dangerous Substance Directive (one of the main European Union laws concerning chemical safety),Copper Sulfate is "Harmful (Xn), Irritant (Xi) and Dangerous for the environment (N)."  According to research performed by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), the lowest dose of copper sulfate that had an acutely toxic impact on humans is 11 mg/kg, which is approximately 748 mg for a 150 lb adult.[3]
All the more surprising to find this chemical in USDA certified Organic infant formulas, such asSimilac's new Advance® Organic Infant formula, and not as a contaminant, or even as a preservative, but as a mineral that  '...helps give babies a strong start in life,' according to the Similac website, describing its line of infant formulas and human breast milk fortifiers.
Even trusted brands within the natural products channel, such as Earth Best's Organic formula, andBaby's Own Organics contain Copper Sulfate as a "mineral" nutrient.

How can this be?

The USDA's National Organic Program (NOP) presently regulates the definition of organic. According to NOP guidelines, any multi-ingredient product that contains 95% or more organic ingredients (excluding water and salt) may be labeled "organic." Therefore the Copper Sulfate in Similac's Advance Organic formula falls within the "contains less than 2%" ingredient list, giving the chemical a free pass.
But it gets even more interesting. Part 205.601 of the NOP's guidelines specifies that copper sulfate is a "synthetic substance allowed for use in organic crop production," as long as it is used in a way that "minimizes accumulation of copper in the soil."[4] We can assume, therefore, that its classification as an acceptable synthetic substance for use in organic crop production, it has evaded raising red flags among regulators.
There are several conclusions we can arrive at from here:
  1. Faced with chemically-watered down USDA Organic Standards, the time has come to look to truly organic agriculture (you know, what our grandparents simply called "food"), produced locally, and whenever possible with permaculture and biodynamic farming practices, which do not allow chemicals of any kind into their self-sustaining systems.
  2. We should be weary of all infant formula, including so-called "organic" formula, as it has well-known health risks, is not produced with any assurance that it has a beneficial effect on infant physiology (beyond preventing death from starvation), and likely also contains a known pesticide/herbicide.
  3. Time has come to focus on the irreplaceable importance of breastfeeding in infant health. When a mother's milk fails, or production drops off prematurely, milk sharing clubs should be utilized. Worse case scenario, and these options are not available, goat milk products should be considered as an alternative, primarily because they do not contain the problematic casein protein known as beta-casein alpha 1, which is found in most cow's milk in the US.
  4. Finally, hold manufacturers accountable. Advocate the Precautionary Principle, and put the burden of proving copper sulfate, sodium selenite, and various other chemicals used in infant formulas, and children's vitamins, safe instead of turning exposed populations  into guinea pigs by using animal-based toxicological risk assessment models to determine the highly Orwellian "acceptable level of harm."

[2] June Pauline Brady. Marketing breast milk substitutes: problems and perils throughout the world. Arch Dis Child. 2012 Jun ;97(6):529-32. Epub 2012 Mar 14. PMID: 22419779
[3]National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). 1981–1986. Registry of toxic effects of chemical substances (RTECS). Cincinnati, OH: NIOSH.
[4], Electronic Code of Federal Regulations, Title 7: Agriculture, Part 207, National Organic Program.

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"Why Is Pesticide Used As An Ingredient In Infant Formula?"

Why is cupric sulfate -- a known herbicide, fungicide and pesticide -- being used in infant formula? And why is it displayed proudly on product labels as a presumably nutritious ingredient?

Used to kill fungus, aquatic plants and roots of plants, parasitic infections in aquarium fish and snails, as well as algae and bacteria such as Escherichia coli, cupric sulfate hardly sounds fit for human consumption, much less for infants.

Indeed, infants are all too often looked at as "miniature adults" from the perspective of toxicological risk assessments, rather than what they are: disproportionately (if not exponentially) more susceptible to the adverse effects of environmental exposures. Instead of reducing or altogether eliminating avoidable infant chemical exposures (the precautionary principle), the chemical industry-friendly focus is always on determining "an acceptable level of harm" – as if there were such at thing!

It boggles the imagination how cupric sulfate ended up in infant formula, as well as scores of other consumer health products, such as Centrum and One-A-Day vitamins?
After all, it is classified, according to the Dangerous Substance Directive (one of the main European Union laws concerning chemical safety), as "Harmful (Xn), Irritant (Xi) and Dangerous for the environment (N)."

Moreover, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires that the warning signal "DANGER" appear on the labels of all copper sulfate end-products containing 99% active ingredient in crystalline form.

The Material Safety Data Sheet for Cupric Sulfate clearly states, in 'Section 3: Hazards Identification," that it has the following adverse health effects:
"Potential Acute Health Effects: Hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of eye contact (irritant), of ingestion, of inhalation.
Potential Chronic Health Effects: CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS: Not available. MUTAGENIC EFFECTS: Mutagenic for mammalian somatic cells. TERATROGENIC EFFECTS: Not available. DEVELOPMENT TOXICITY: Not available. The substance may be toxic to kidneys, liver. Repeated or prolonged exposure to the substance can produce target organs damage."
In 'Section 7: Handling and Storage" the following precautions must be taken:
"Do not ingest. Do not breathe dust. Wear suitable protective clothing. In case of insufficient ventilation, wear suitable respiratory equipment. If ingested, seek medical advice immediately and show t he container or the label. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Keep away from incompatibles such as metals, alkalis."
Cleary we have a problem here.  Cupric sulfate is used in most mass market infant formulas. Even Similac's "sensitive" formula contains the ingredient:
Similac Sensitive - Infant Formula with Iron
Similac Sensitive Ingredients

Could this be one reason why infant formula has been linked to over 50 adverse health effects, both short and long term, in infants given it in place of breast milk?  The common explanation/claim is that infant formula isn't intrinsically harmful, rather, breast milk and breastfeeding is just healthier.  I believe this perspective in untenable, given the problems with cupric sulfate, and dozens of other questionable ingredients being used in these products, such as petroleum-derived and chirally inverted dl-alpha tocopherol (synthetic vitamin E), zinc sulfate, sodium selenate, manganese sulfate, etc.
For additional research on the inherent problems associated with the use of chemicals in infant formula, take a look at our evaluation of another Similac product.
Or, take a look at the "Organic" infant formula by Earth's Best:, which is surprisingly not that much better.

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  1. You have neglected to mention AT ALL the actual reason for copper sulfate's presence in the formula. I knew nothing about the subject until I was linked to this article on Facebook, but a quick Google search and five minutes of critical thinking have enlightened me, and I am no longer outraged.

    You see, the amount of copper sulfate in baby formula is impossibly low, compared with the minimum toxic load (that's fancy-speak for "how much it takes to hurt you" - in the case of copper sulfate, not much if you breathe it, but if you EAT it, it actually takes a fair bit by chemical standards).

    It's not in the baby food to provide nutritional value. The fact that something is on the ingredient panel does NOT imply that it's a "nutrient" at all. It just means that it's *in the food*.

    It's in the baby food BECAUSE it's a pesticide. Once again, it's nowhere near enough to hurt a person (11mg/kg would be toxic, by the way, and I'm getting all of this from the five minutes I spent on Wikipedia reading about copper sulfate). You know what it DOES kill? A really nasty organism called Cronobacter sakazakii, which (again, according to Wikipedia) is 40-80% fatal in infants. You know where you often find Cronobacter? Powdered baby formula.

    SO. Cupric sulfate is not a GMO ingredient at all. I, too, am opposed to GMO foods, but this is just a chemical. Not all uses of all chemicals are inherently evil. This chemical is being used in a SAFE way to neutralize bacteria that are MORE LIKELY THAN NOT to kill an infected infant.

    You know what you should write an article about? "Why is there an extraordinarily dangerous pathogen in powdered baby food?" But if you're going to scream about something, don't scream from ignorance. Cronobacter is an EXCELLENT argument against baby formula. The fact that formula manufacturers have added an ingredient to neutralize that danger, not as much.

    1. So your telling me there is nothing wrong with the baby formula. Because you read an article on Wikipedia, them by god it must be true...
      Even so I'm not comfortable with the formula any way.. calling the dr in the a.m.

  2. I have an irrational issue with food sensitivities. I scoff at them. You start talking gluten-free to me and I will not be able to restrain myself..
    Organic Lactose Free


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