Tuesday, July 9, 2013

FDA approves first GMO Flu Vaccine containing Reprogrammed Insect Virus

A new vaccine for influenza has hit the market, and it is the first ever to contain genetically-modified (GM) proteins derived from insect cells. According to reports, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved the vaccine, known as Flublok, which contains recombinant DNA technology and an insect virus known as baculovirus that is purported to help facilitate the more rapid production of vaccines.
According to Flublok’s package insert, the vaccine is trivalent, which means it contains GM proteins from three different flu strains. The vaccine’s manufacturer, Protein Sciences Corporation (PSC), explains that Flublok is produced by extracting cells from the fall armyworm, a type of caterpillar, and genetically altering them to produce large amounts of hemagglutinin, a flu virus protein that enables the flu virus itself to enter the body quickly.
So rather than have to produce vaccines the “traditional” way using egg cultures, vaccine manufacturers will now have the ability to rapidly produce large batches of flu virus protein using GMOs, which is sure to increase profits for the vaccine industry. But it is also sure to lead to all sorts of serious side effects, including the deadly nerve disease Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GSB), which is listed on the shot as a potential side effect.
“If Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) has occurred within six weeks of receipt of a prior influenza vaccine, the decision to give Flublock should be based on careful consideration of the potential benefits and risks,” explains a section of the vaccine’s literature entitled “Warnings and Precautions.” Other potential side effects include allergic reactions, respiratory infections, headaches, fatigue, altered immunocompetence, rhinorrhea, and myalgia.
According to clinical data provided by PSC in Flublok’s package insert, two study participants actually died during trials of the vaccine. But the company still insists Flublok is safe and effective, and that it is about 45 percent effective against all strains of influenza in circulation, rather than just one or two strains.

FDA also approves flu vaccine containing dog kidney cells
Back in November, the FDA also approved a new flu vaccine known as Flucelvax that is actually made using dog kidney cells. A product of pharmaceutical giant Novartis, Flucelvax also does away with the egg cultures, and can similarly be produced much more rapidly than traditional flu vaccines, which means vaccine companies can have it ready and waiting should the federal government declare a pandemic.
Like Flublok, Flucelvax was made possible because of a $1 billion, taxpayer-funded grant given by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to the vaccine industry back in 2006 to develop new manufacturing methods for vaccines. The ultimate goal is to be able to quickly manufacture hundreds of millions of vaccines for rapid distribution.
Meanwhile, there are reportedly two other GMO flu vaccines currently under development. One of them, which is being produced by Novavax, will utilize “bits of genetic material grown in caterpillar cells called ‘virus-like particles’ that mimic a flu virus,” according to Reuters.
Originally Posted On: http://www.globalresearch.ca/fda-approves-first-gmo-flu-vaccine-containing-reprogrammed-insect-virus/5338052


  1. http://www.cdc.gov/flu/protect/vaccine/guillainbarre.htm

  2. Keep promoting you are making a difference

  3. Funny, that page is now missing from the cdc website....hmmmmmm

  4. The page is still there. It successfully refutes the fear-mongering of the anti-vaccine, anti-GMO crowd.

  5. Oh I wouldn't say the CDC successfully refuted anything. What they did was explain what GBS is. Modifying insect DNA and encouraging insect viruses to interact with people could represent some serious issues later. Same with dog Kidney cells. Most animals don't transmit diseases to humans. It takes a special kind of jump generally for that to happen but now we have scientists making that much easier. How convenient for the animal and insect viruses. Also remember the article said there were 2 fatalities in the trials.. THAT isn't good in my eyes but I'm sure your conscience will feel fine knowing they gave their lives for science.

    1. I just looked it up and neither of those deaths were related to the vaccine. One of the people that died actually got a placebo, so they didn't even get vaccinated.

  6. Sambucol, a natural remedy made from elderberries, has been scientifically proven to cure influenza, without any side -effects. There's NO need whatever for any dangerous and toxic vaccines. The drug companies only produce that toxic garbage to make vast profits.

    1. AMen! I don't take any vaccines...will never take another one as long as I live!

  7. If you have a profitable solution to a problem (pandemic) but the problem doesn't yet exist, what is the solution to realizing your profits?

    The flu virus is being genetically modified either by nature or by nefarious forces, so it is important to have a way to combat it incase of weaponization. It is good to pay for this using government grants too, that way these companies aren't finding creative ways to realize their profits. However, we've seen in the past that when we give weapons to one side of a conflict, they often turn against us later, so be cautious.

  8. I expected a much better article out of a group with "anti-GMO" in their name. I feel that writing an "article" like this and pushing it to followers carries a lot of responsibility to stick to facts and actually do some damn research. While I'm extremely anti-GMO, I do feel it should be pointed out that GB syndrome has been a contraindication for influenza vaccines for over a decade, so that is absolutely not new. Many people choose not to use vaccines and that's their right. I'm against GMOs, but also against articles like these that have strong opinions that are not supported by facts, are strongly skewed and contain numerous half truths. This only hurts our cause and makes us look stupid.

  9. I think it is unacceptable to use such drugs. Given that the market now has a new quadrivalent influenza vaccine, which does not mention the use of GMOs.


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